The Name of the Soceity shall be H K Mahatab College, Kranti Bharati Kupari. All Students of +3 classes are ipso facto members of the society. All members of the staff are honorary members of the socitey. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : 1. Organise meeting, debates, discussion, and symposia. 2. Invite Eminent Scholars, Literatures and Critics to address Sansad. 3. Organise Literary Workshop 4. Colleect, Translate, Edit, Publish Manuscript books , pothis and lexicons. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE KRANTI BHARATI It shall consist of - 1. President - Principal ( Ex-officio) 2. Vice- President - To be nominated by the principal from among the Heads of the Language/Literature Departments preferably in rotation or any member having knowledge in literature may be nominated as Vice-President by the Principal. 2. Associate Vice- President -Heads of the Language/Literature Departments 4. Secretary - Any member of the college Union is eligible to contest for the post of Secretary 5. Asst. Secretary - Any member of the college Union is eligible to contest for the post of Asst. Secretary 6. One representative from each class Arts, Science and Commerce counted separately.